The 411

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Wife and mother of 3 boys and twin girls who I often refer to as my "Twincess". Having twins initially broke me physically and financially!! One day I "woke up looked in the mirror at the spit up and frazzled hair and remembered IM A DIVA DARNIT!!! So my adventure has begun living the high life on a budget!! Welcome to my journey......

Monday, April 1, 2013

My spring "blues".

If you are fimilar with California life you know all to well that April (by the way that's my beasties name!! Hey girl lol) is a curious time of the year. One day it will be 57 and rainy and  the next 81. So you can't quite put away the cold gear. I have sent my kids to school only to get to work and it start to rain! I know we have all been there, we spend the day thinking I suck, maybe I can get a friend to take them pants lol.

Well most of April will be like this so I figured this may be my last chance to wear those great Ellen Tracey boots that I got marked down like 4times! They went from like $150 to just 45 ! That's nothing for good leather. I would have spent 3times that! (I'm tough on shoes so I have to get good quality. I know I killed my moms wallet when I was little) Well here they are.

I have been looking for brown boots forever, because I have fat calves. Cute huh. I also broke down and went to Old Navy for the first time in years and actually found some skinnys that fit all my "junk in my trunk".

I paired it with a western shirt I thrifted for $2 and a True republic t my hubby gifted me . (I'm sure he paid to much, he has no patience for looking for a deal!) I had to include a picture of my cute umbrella I got free with purchase from Vickie's.

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