The 411

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Wife and mother of 3 boys and twin girls who I often refer to as my "Twincess". Having twins initially broke me physically and financially!! One day I "woke up looked in the mirror at the spit up and frazzled hair and remembered IM A DIVA DARNIT!!! So my adventure has begun living the high life on a budget!! Welcome to my journey......

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Twinecess Table and Stools d.i.y

After shopping around for a table and chairs my girls can use in the play room, I realized I had an old red Ikea Lack table at home. It has been sitting in a closet for like 4 years since my son out grew it and it had glue and water stains on it.

What's sad is I had all the materials at home with the exception of the orange chevron fabric. Remember I'm not a hoarder I just love a good deal lol. So here it goes.You'll need:

  • 2 old electrical spools
  • An old pillow (I used the same pillow for the previous Ikea hack)
  • Ultra cute contact paper from marshalls 

  • Fabric (zebra fabric is an old sheet, the pink tutu like fabric are curtains, the pink and black fabric I got a year ago at Goodwill. And I purchased the chevron fabric at Walmart.)
  • 1 Ikea lack table I got for $5 yes I'm getting most of my money.

Take the legs off and cover both top and sides independently of one another. Smooth out bubbles using a credit card. If there are any other bubbles you miss just make a small prick in them with a pin. Then screw legs back on Wala!!! You have transformed your table. Since I used contact paper it's easy to clean and crayons or water soluble marker. 
Now for the stools. I know the spools don't look sturdy but they are. My husband stood on them and he's a pretty big Chap!! Above youll see my scrap fabric. I found the pink curtains for only 2.99 so I bought 5, I knew they'd come in handy.

Place the fabric over the spools and cut a square piece a little larger than your stool top. (sorry remember I don't measure lol eyeball tee hee)
Next place your pillow batting over the spool and cut a circle the same size as the top. 
Using a staple gun staple the fabric in place under the top of the stool make sure you pull the fabric tight. 
Now with the curtains I used a lot of fabric because I wanted the "tutu" look. 
I was going to glue a trim using a glue gun but realized it looked good like this.
What do you think?? The kids love them.... Stay tuned for more....

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