The 411

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Wife and mother of 3 boys and twin girls who I often refer to as my "Twincess". Having twins initially broke me physically and financially!! One day I "woke up looked in the mirror at the spit up and frazzled hair and remembered IM A DIVA DARNIT!!! So my adventure has begun living the high life on a budget!! Welcome to my journey......

Thursday, April 4, 2013

More shopping pointers

Here are a few more pointers that will save you money. When it comes to shopping and saving you can't be lazy , do your research think critically.

  • Be willing to shop at Costco or large bulk stores if you can. I would look for deals at stores for canned veggies and thought I was getting a good deal when I found a can for 60 cents. With the twins now I have to think critically, if I buy a big box from Costco and take the price divided by the number of cans in the box I realized they would end up being 24cents!!! 
  • Know when your stores ads come out. Drug stores such as Rite Aid usually go Sunday to Sunday. Whereas grocery stores go Wednesday to Wednesday . 
The first day of the ad look and mark items you have coupons for and things you will buy in bulk. If you don't have time to find coupons you can use a coupon clipping service. Foods Co in my area every once in a while has Downy for 1.98. The last time I could not find any coupons.  I did however find a coupon clipping service that had them and they were $1 off . The coupons cost me 10cent each .  So each bottle ends up being 1.08!!!!! I usually get like 30 bottles. 
Call ahead and find out how many come in a case and order the cases you want to ensure they set yours aside. Finally, always ask for a rain check if they are out. They often don't expire!! Sometimes I hold on to them until I find a coupon!!!
Now when I didn't have to pinch penny's like I do now my detergent of choice was always tide . But I discovered these little babys. They actually clean well, and the great news is the drug stores often have them on sale for like 1.79. And you can always find coupons. The last time I bought 6 cases they come 6 to a case (with twins I cant afford to run out) I had the manager save my order while I waited for my coupons. I ordered $1 off coupons for 10cent. They ended up being .89cent each for a total of  only 32 before taxes!!  I also got the last of it so I asked for a rain check.  Its almost time cor a reup!! Rite Aid also has buy one get one free off and on. 

On last pointer is don't sleep on Goodwill for house hold items. They often have name brand cleaners, sanitary items and dog care items. They are sealed and brand new. I got products for my swifter wet jet. Those of you who use this know that the refill pads and cleaner is not cheap. Goodwill had then for $ 1 of course I bought all of the cleaner and like 6 of the pads. 

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