The 411

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Wife and mother of 3 boys and twin girls who I often refer to as my "Twincess". Having twins initially broke me physically and financially!! One day I "woke up looked in the mirror at the spit up and frazzled hair and remembered IM A DIVA DARNIT!!! So my adventure has begun living the high life on a budget!! Welcome to my journey......

Thursday, April 4, 2013

SCORE! At the dollar store

As promised here are some money saving tips for you and some great finds I have found.

  • Stay prepared, what I mean is you spend the most money and waste the most buying things when you need them. Confused? Let's use the example of cards and or gift bags if you are on the way to a shower and running late you'd probably stop at the nearest store and buy a card for $5 and a gift bag for $3. 
  • I always hit Walmart and Target after the holidays. They will always have tissue paper and gifts bags for 75 to 90 percent off. Find neutral colors ie after valentines I get bags that are pink or red. I usually spend no more than 10 cents a bag! To go a step further I always keep gift bags and tissue in my trunk.
  • Another way to save on cards is check your local thrift store often. I found a huge box for cards for only 1.99 it had cards for any event you could think of. I took that one to work and me and my assistant used it to celebrate our employees. You can also find great cards at you local dollar store.
Now when it comes to the dollar store here are a few tips:
  • Know your dollar store manager and or key employees, the manager has a manifest and always knows what's coming in the day before. 
  • Know shipment days. The 99cent only store I frequent gets shipments in every other day in the morning. I know that it will take them a while to unload the stack the product so I usually check in at 10:30 or 11. You can also just ask. 
  • What I have noticed is when a company has a new product they will try it at the dollar store first before it hits the store . This is why they don't have the same items all the time. So if it's something good STOCK UP. Yes I'm a shelf clearer. I heard somewhere that was bad.... Uh ok 
  • Check dates , don't stock up if it's about to expire. Certain thing such at mustard you can store in your pantry forever. So also know the shelf life. 
Here's just a few scores I found: 
Yea I bought everyone and put them in the freezer

This stuffs great and it has 3packets in it.

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