The 411

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Wife and mother of 3 boys and twin girls who I often refer to as my "Twincess". Having twins initially broke me physically and financially!! One day I "woke up looked in the mirror at the spit up and frazzled hair and remembered IM A DIVA DARNIT!!! So my adventure has begun living the high life on a budget!! Welcome to my journey......

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Habitat For Humanity Re-store

Ok I'm going to let you in on another one the places I frequent. The Habitat for Humanity ReCenter. I volunteer in the community a lot and found out about this place when I formed a group at work to help build a house. 
This is the habitats store. Here they sell EVERYTHING yes everything with the exception of food :). Where do they get there stuff? Well companies or private entities donate items to the nonprofit, or when they redo or tear down a house they recycle and sell it all. I often find great craft supplies or ideas here. Check the web here for your closest restore. This should be your first stop when doing home improvements for they have new and used items . Here is a craft I did with my son using a $1 cabinet door, .50 clips form Ikea and letter stickers from the 99cent store. I have also included some examples of things I found there such as Clorox sanitizer for $1, a box of 12 hand sanitizers for $5 you do the math!!! 

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