The 411

My photo
Wife and mother of 3 boys and twin girls who I often refer to as my "Twincess". Having twins initially broke me physically and financially!! One day I "woke up looked in the mirror at the spit up and frazzled hair and remembered IM A DIVA DARNIT!!! So my adventure has begun living the high life on a budget!! Welcome to my journey......

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

And Now Another Episode of "I Love The Dollar Store!!!

Ok I lied to myself ..... I said I wasn't going back till next week but it was calling me!! I went Monday when they just got a shipment in, weeee! Here's the goodies I got.

These were 2for .99

Sunday, April 14, 2013

MOM..... IM BORED!!!! Fun play time ideas.

I know we have all heard that song before. It's not my favorite song lol. Here's a couple quick ideas for the boredom, rainy day blues.

1. Use duct tape to create a road and town and put down on carpet. The possibilities are endless. My kids loved this so much that I left it up for a while.

2. Finger paint fun. Take it a step further and create stamps out of potatoes that are about to go bad, no wasting here! You can also create stencils or use glitters.

This Weeks 99cent Store Finds

Heres a quick look at my finds this weekend. I'm sure I'll go back before the weeks out, I know I have a problem, I'm addicted to deals......I always get my blackberries, strawberries and blueberries here and yes they are always fresh. Oh and these fruit snacky thingys are great, when I did the research they seem to have the lease amount of sugar than other fruit snacks. Of course they have sugar but much less.. Happy shopping.

Habitat For Humanity Re-store

Ok I'm going to let you in on another one the places I frequent. The Habitat for Humanity ReCenter. I volunteer in the community a lot and found out about this place when I formed a group at work to help build a house. 
This is the habitats store. Here they sell EVERYTHING yes everything with the exception of food :). Where do they get there stuff? Well companies or private entities donate items to the nonprofit, or when they redo or tear down a house they recycle and sell it all. I often find great craft supplies or ideas here. Check the web here for your closest restore. This should be your first stop when doing home improvements for they have new and used items . Here is a craft I did with my son using a $1 cabinet door, .50 clips form Ikea and letter stickers from the 99cent store. I have also included some examples of things I found there such as Clorox sanitizer for $1, a box of 12 hand sanitizers for $5 you do the math!!! 

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Adding Interest To Our Entry

Hello, my sis in law has been telling me I need to post pictures of my hall way transformation so here it goes Les. 

My entry way is an on going project for me. I feel this needs to be the  most dramatic since its the first thing that guest see and to some the the only thing lol. But I have been stumped , my entry way is hmmm how can I say this ..... Like some people we know, not naturally fabulous, I need to apply a lot of "make up" to get it there lmbo. 

 I did decide to paint the hallway that you see with stripes. 

When doing and detail using painters tape it's very important to do it right or it will "bleed" through the tape. 
Here's the trick: take the base color (the color that was originally on the wall) after taping your stripes or detail, and paint over the top of the tape. Let the paint dry and then paint your stripes. 

Here's how it turned out:
And here it is with pictures. I haven't put pictures in the frames yet lol . I Wanted to see how it looked
Here are some more pictures of the entry. You'll see why I'm a little stumped. I want to do something big and dramatic on the stairs since the ceilings so high. (I know they need to be painted lol) I also need to figure out where I can put a bench or something to hold shoes since the stairs become a catch all and there's no room by the door. I'll keep you posted on what I come up with. Youll see the lonely picture I bought but has no home on the stairs. 
I think I want to do something cool with pallets and I also need to add some color. 

Saturday, April 6, 2013


Yes I stole the lyrics from DMX but I'm sure we can all attest to feeling this way at least once! This was my week, a week of stomach virus, cleaning fluid that literally was coming from everywhere on my twincesses, sick kids attitudes, doctors appointments and dogs that act up because they are not getting attention this week.

Great its Friday, everyone's feeling better it's over wew....... So I thought. This is how Friday night went and this all happened in less than a hour: my seven year old boy is screaming bloody murder down stairs after scraping his knee. He was trying to get the dog food someone put up high (my husband)
While frantically looking for a bandage and calming him down one of my girls decides to be Monet on my carpets. Now that my boys calm I hand him a bandage to bandage him self  and switch to scolding her and scrubbing the carpet. I look up and the other one has unrolled the whole roll of tissue to "help you mommy".  Wow is it bed time??? I take the towel to the wash only to find Chica my wonderful Yorkshire Terrier has decided to "show me "that she's feeling neglected and it stinks!!!!  wooooo sawwww. Breath.

Theses series of wonderful events have made me decide to write this blog about getting away. Here's some great ideas on how to find cheap frugal ways to relax.

  1. Plan a girls day, not the usual massages or drinks
  2. Check sites like or they always have great ideas. Sky diving, scuba diving, zip line, cruises etc.
  3. Have a swap party! You can have friends bring what ever interest them. I did an accessories swap party. Everyone brought two items. I provided sangrias, wine and cheese. Everyone brought items and we placed them on the table upon arrival so guests could check them out. I did accessories because we all wear different sizes. An I made cute little bags that's put flip flops and lip glosses in and the guest could put the swaps in. 
  4. Have a craft party. Pick a craft and either provide the materials that everyone will pay you for, or assign a material to each guest.
  5. Plant a garden. My girls eat a ton of berries so we planted strawberries.
  6. Go berry picking. This is cheap and free most of the times. You can do this alone, with friends or bring the family. Did you know wild berries grow every where are are sweet and delicious. Check with your local state parks to see if they have any and when they will be ripe it. At state parks you'll Usually have to pay a $5 fee per car. 
  7. Karaoke!!!!!! You can't sing you say? Even better. You and your friend will burn a to of calories laughing it up. 
  8. Get you nails done. I know there is nothing different about this but I say mix it up! Do you always go and get the same color??? Well be bold get fluorescent tips with Hello Kitty! It's only temporary, why not its not like your shaving your head. 
  9. Go hiking, check out sites like or

Here's. Recent trip we did

 We decided to do something different.  Race car driving. We went to a great place in Roseville called Speed Factory. This place was great we even met the owners who were very nice and accommodating . Only down fall is we had to put theses ninjaesk hats on and helmets, so they will mess up your hair lol.

Fashion part II

I attempted to put these all on one posting and either I don't know what I'm doing or my pictures are to big, or both you know I'm new to this (smile).  Oh well here yah go. 

  1. The first picture are my heels I got from Target, remember I'm hard on shoes so I usually don't buy shoes from here but they were 6.98 so I got all of the colors!
  2. The black heels with the bow are from Goodwill, brand new $5
  3. I guess you see the tag yes that's right I go strait to the clearance!! Marshall's 7.50
  4. Blue wrap Ralph Lauren ruffle top $3 Gw (goodwill)
  5. True Religon top Goodwill (three women tried to steal from my cart!) $3.50
  6. Gucci pants for toddlers $3
  7. Madden girl color block cork wedge $10
  8. Emerald green bootie retails for $190 I paid $19 GW
  9. BCBG black strap heel like new $5 GW
  10. Leopard Etienne Aigner peep toe flats 4.25 retail was around $80 GW