The 411

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Wife and mother of 3 boys and twin girls who I often refer to as my "Twincess". Having twins initially broke me physically and financially!! One day I "woke up looked in the mirror at the spit up and frazzled hair and remembered IM A DIVA DARNIT!!! So my adventure has begun living the high life on a budget!! Welcome to my journey......

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Family Pride!!

I saw on a blog that I can go to Home Depot and they can cut any wood or molding I purchase there free, I have been there like every other day! HA ! So here is my first craft at the new diggs. I first saw it here and knew I had to do it!! The Shanty Sisters make it easy as pie. I changed a few things but the ideas all theres.

 I went to Home Depot and asked them for a 1x12. I admitted to the nice associate that I don't know how many I would need but I need 8 pieces at 9 in each lol. He chuckled and took over from there. "I'm sorry sir I'm a diva in distress please help little old me" ! As I bat my lashes lmbo.

"Oops paint, yes .50 ill take it.

 Roller 1.50. Pay no attention to my crafters nails...

I also painted the sides and screwed in screw eye hooks in the top.

WAL LAH! The Shanty Sisters seem more finished but mine still looks great don't ya think!?? I finished at around $13

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