The 411

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Wife and mother of 3 boys and twin girls who I often refer to as my "Twincess". Having twins initially broke me physically and financially!! One day I "woke up looked in the mirror at the spit up and frazzled hair and remembered IM A DIVA DARNIT!!! So my adventure has begun living the high life on a budget!! Welcome to my journey......

Thursday, July 4, 2013

DIT Divas in Training DIY Cornices!!

Yes I tackled the girls room first. It was easiest lol. I have had my eyes on these bed crowns however they were around $200 to $500 each. I was thinking about a way i could buy them with out my hubby knowing .... lol (hey don't act like I'm the only one who does it! men do it to HA!) Then I remembered the cost of the twins daycare and heard a song in my head "I AIN'T GONNA BE ABLE TO DO IT" lol so naturally I remembered one of my many sayings: "A tight wallet and laziness is the father to all great crafts, ideas and inventions". So here is my DIY Cornice bed crowns:

Here's my finished product. I bought the headboards off craigslist for $40

 Foam board display from  $9, batting $3 and duct tape $2.50. Measure your windows or headboard. allow a half of an inch oneach side for windows. Next cut two pieces for the sides like 3 inches.
I made my own protractor with a pencil tied to a pencil to draw semicircles, but you can use a large bowl. Cut the shape with an exacto knife.

You can use spray adhesive or regular glue to hold the batting in place while you cut the excess

I already had fabric that I bought from Goodwill during a 50% off sale, $1.50 cant beat that. I also bought 7 fuchsia sheer panels for $2.99 each  From a store called FALLA about a year ago.

After I finished cutting the batting I covered it with the fabric and taped with duct tape.

Not pretty but who will know??

Then I added some cheap hooks

Final , the letters are from the 99 cent store. They were white but I stenciled them.

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