The 411

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Wife and mother of 3 boys and twin girls who I often refer to as my "Twincess". Having twins initially broke me physically and financially!! One day I "woke up looked in the mirror at the spit up and frazzled hair and remembered IM A DIVA DARNIT!!! So my adventure has begun living the high life on a budget!! Welcome to my journey......

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Just when your almost done decorating.........

Then it's time to move !!! Yes I have been gone for a while,but now you see why. And moving with twins is nooooooo joke. Funny thing is it was hardest for the dog to move. Poor Chica. I've had to almost repotty train her!! 

Good bye old house! But good news for you guys I have plenty of new post and projects for the new house. 

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